Monday, January 22, 2018

Took a break today

Finally, my husband and I were able to get away for the day.  Just the two of us.  No dogs, no customers, no phones, no granddaughter, just the two of us cruising the back roads in New Hampshire.

First stop, he wanted to show me his new toy.  He swapped a truck for a roller.  It's like a pavement roller.  I was expecting it to be larger but he said if it were any bigger than this one, it would be too hard to move from job site to job site.  He already has people who want to rent it from him.
My husband is self employed.  He has a garage here on the property but he also does lots of plowing and sanding in the winter months.  In the summer he has lots of equipment that he does earth moving with.  He is so very handy, creative, frugal and knowledgeable.  He makes it possible for me to do all my little projects.

We drove up through the White Mountains.  It is not a place we tend to go in the winter months so I guess that's why we decided to go that way.  There actually wasn't all that much snow.  We had so much rain a bit ago. There was a bit of evidence of roads that had washed out.
We made one stop at the covered bridge on the Swift River.  I don't know why but I love being at that bridge.  I think part of it is the history.  I love visiting historical places.

Then off to lunch and driving more back roads.  Nothing too exciting.  Just enough to recharge us and let us enjoy each other's company with out all the distractions.  And of course home just in time to feed all the critters.  Back to the grind. 


  1. It is. We plan on crossing over and following the road on the other side this summer. It's closed for the winter.
