Alligator Valley Farm no longer has horses. Both Summer and Stella went to my daughter's farm (they were her horses anyways). I love horses but I'm getting too old for them. lol Oh my goodness, just realized I'll be 50 next year. After Stella had her eye removal surgery she needed attention and with her being so skittish it made me nervous. My daughter is the horse expert. She is wonderful with horses and is so very knowledgeable. I believe she now has 9 horses over there. Better her than me!
I'll stick with my goats and my chickens. They are smaller and I can handle them. I also had a hernia operation last year. After purchasing my grain for everyone, all the lifting, I had a bowel pinched from the hernia. Emergency operation was performed and I'm not supposed to be lifting so much. The horses go through a lot more grain than the goats do. My husband is very helpful and I appreciate him so very much.
My pregnant does are looking VERY pregnant.
I showed photos to the previous owner and she thought they look very close and like they could be carrying triplets or even quads since they are so big. I'm going to have my hands full with bouncing babies soon. I can't wait! It's going to be so hard to sell them. lol I can't keep them all!
The babies that were born January 17th are getting big! Luna, black female, has a cute little white heart on her forehead. Her brother is the spitting image of Mamma. Today I was able to catch Luna and hold her some more. Only caught her because she got stuck and didn't see me coming. The little guy is a bit harder to catch. I will keep Luna but the little boy is already spoken for.
We have had some pretty nice weather here in New Hampshire the past few days. So much so that I am getting spring fever. I even pulled out my lawn chair and have been enjoying the sun. There is less snow than that now, I am happy to report. It feels so good to feel that sun shining on my face. Even my garlic garden is starting to come through.
I can't wait to start seeing green shoots popping up through that mud and snow. Unfortunately, we have a possible big storm coming this week. Just when you think the warmth is here to stay...boom, God dumps another round on us. Gotta love the crazy weather if you live in New Hampshire!
Even the chickens are enjoying the snow melt. They can now get into the manure piles that have thawed out.
They are delivering on the eggs like crazy right now. Now getting a couple dozen eggs a day. The ducks are laying much better now too.
I ordered parts for my incubator today. I should have that fixed and full of eggs here soon. Hoping to sell chicks this year. I love hatching eggs. It's like Christmas for me! I get so eggcited and can't wait to see what the chick looks like and try to guess which rooster and which hen it came from. I love the backyard mixes!
In the home:
I made up a batch of white chocolate covered pretzel sticks. My husband doesn't like chocolate unless it's white chocolate. I don't do a fancy job. Just melt the chocolate and dump in the pretzels. I did add a jar of peanuts too.
I have been trying to use more all natural products around the house. Some things I will try to make on my own but some things I can't or haven't done yet. In that case, I love the site My order came today. I love the smells of the hand soaps.
Check out their site. It is .co and not .com I don't think their prices are that bad either.
Not sure I'll be posting for a couple days. I have to work on the taxes. My husband is self-employed so there is a lot of paperwork to go through! My least favorite time of the year. It is also the end of another month so I have plow bills to write up.
I do have a few Facebook pages that you are welcome to check out if you are on Facebook
N.H. Backyard Chicken Habit ( you can't have too many)
N.H. Backyard Goat Farming
N.H. Backyard Bird Watching
N.H. Backyard Gardening Fun
N.H. Our Backyard Happenings
Yumminess and Happiness (recipes and things that make me smile)
Everything Scripture, Prayers, Studies, Songs and Quotes
Alligator Valley Farm
And on Twitter and Instagram it is under Alligator Valley Farm
I stay busy with all my pages and blog.
See you next month! :-)
Oh my goodness! Peeeeeuuuuuuu. Skunk. No idea what it sprayed out there but I sure do smell it! Glad the dogs are all inside.